Sunday, December 5, 2010

No such thing as an LED TV

There really are only 3 kinds of TV's available right now, DLP, Plasma, and LCD's.  LED is a feature of an LCD TV.  Basically all LED TV's are in fact LCD TV's.  The LED feature is simply a way to illuminate the TV more efficiently and allow for an even thinner television.  Typically, when you are buying an LED LCD TV - you are getting most of all the other good features as well.  In fact, the most important feature and probably the most boring to talk about is Contrast.  Unlike 1080p, 240hz, 3D, you use contrast with everything you watch.  This is why you don't buy the first of a particular size in a brands line up.

A LED-backlight LCD television is an LCD TV that uses LED backlighting[ rather than the cold cathode fluorescent lights (CCFLs) used in traditional LCD televisions. It is not a true LED display but is incorrectly called "LED TV" by some manufacturers. The use of LED backlighting has a dramatic impact, resulting in a thinner panel, less power consumption, and a brighter display with better contrast levels. It also generates less heat than an ordinary LCD TV.

The Future TV - OLED - on the horizon is the OLED TV - at this time it is cost prohibitive, but expect to see these in the near future as the production costs come in line with consumer consumption.

The primary benefit of OLED displays over traditional LCDs is that OLEDs do not require a backlight to function, and consume less power during operation. OLED displays are expected to be more efficiently manufactured than LCDs and plasma displays.

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