Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weathering the Storm!

The Sky is Falling!

Hail as big as his eye!
 In the St. Louis are we have recently been and still are in a series of bad weather patterns.  We have had multiple hail storms, tornadoes around the area, other high winds, and excessive precipitation.  Just because your house didn't get knocked down doesn't mean you didn't have damage.  I could throw a golf ball or a baseball at your house and it would cause damage, now drop that same golf ball from the clouds above and there is some potential for serious damage.

The point I am trying to make is to give your home a good once over after each major storm.  A small unnoticed bit of damage can turn into a huge problem if it causes leaks somewhere in your home.

4 years ago we had a bad storm go through our neighborhood.  I thought we had come away with no issues, later to find that the wind had sucked 10 pieces of my siding straight up and off my chimney and threw them all around my yard.  This was an inexpensive fix, but I didn't notice it for several hours based on the location.

Finally, after storms be a good neighbor and look out for other damage that may have happened in the neighborhood.  Just the other day I enjoyed helping a neighbor remove a downed tree after the storm.

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