Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Removel Tips

Snow Plow - Really?

To me in Missouri you should only need a snow blower if you have a medical reason for not using a good old fashioned shovel.  We just don't get enough snow here for me to justify the cost.

Why Shovel?

15 minutes of snow shoveling counts as moderate physical activity, according to the Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity and Health (1996). We all should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity of some kind on most days of the week. A 170-pound person shoveling for 30 minutes will burn about 250 calories.

There are risks beyond slipping and falling.  As mentioned this morning on the news Heart attacks are known to happen during snow shoveling and this is who is most at risk...

• Those with high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels
• Anyone who already has had a heart attack
• Individuals with a history of heart disease
• Smokers
• Individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle

The sedentary lifestyle hits home for many, this is an activity you do not practice for, so it puts a strain on your body.  Start slowly, like you would warm up for any activity, and as you get winded or feel your heart rate increase take breaks.  If you have any questions or concerns make sure to consult your Doctor.

Landscaping Tip

Snow is Winter's blanket and it serves the purpose of protecting that which is under it from cold spells that often follow snow fall.  If it is not too much of a strain use the snow to cover bushes in the area giving them some added protection from winter kill.

For some ideas on what to do with a snow day check out:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saving Money on Utilities over Winter

Cost Friendly Children

If you have kids like I have, you may have to often remind them to turn off the lights in the house.  It takes they say about 2-3 weeks to form a habit - since we are talking about kids - plan for 30 days.
Go on a leave the room turn the lights off campaign.  You can add rewards and penalties - we  used dessert, because if they left their light on, we couldn't afford to buy a special treat.

Also if you have a lot of people in the house and they will be home, or you are having a party -  Turn the thermostats down. Each guest is the equivalent of a 175-watt heater, and a large group will warm up the place without the furnace or the heating units in operation.

Thermostat Love

If you are going to be away for a few hours or for a few days - lower your heat to 55 degrees, at this temp your pipes won't freeze, your plants will live, and you will save a nice chunk of money.  We recently did this on a week long vacation and it was noticeable in the bill.

Bonus:  Whenever you can lower your thermostat dramatically for a few days or more, you’ll save a little on the operation of the refrigerator and freezer, which won’t need to work so hard to maintain their cool.
How low can your thermostats be set? At our house, we’ve gotten accustomed to 65 F as a comfortable norm. We also have 7 people in the house creating heat.  Reduce the heat just 1 degree at a time and try it for a week. Each 1-degree drop for an eight-hour period reduces your fuel bill about one percent. Gradually, you might be able to go down 3 or even 4 degrees comfortably and save a chunk of money.

Once common myth is that when you reduce the thermostat for only a few hours it will take more heat to bring your home back up to the desired temperature. This is not so. You will save money and fuel because your heating system will not have to keep your home so warm. You will use less energy overall even when you warm up your house from a cooler temperature.
You can also save money if you have a programmable thermostat, drop the heat about the time you go to bed, and set it to go back up when you would normally get up. 

Weather sealing/stripping around doors, can save money as well.  In the winter don't just shut the windows, if you lock them you get a tighter seal from the inclement weather.

Don't forget to change your filter on your furnace!